My work experience week at Swale Heating

28 May 2024

After spending a week on work experience in the Marketing Team at Swale Heating, I’d like to share my experience and speak about some of my favourite parts of my time here!

Prior to me attending this work experience, I knew I was interested in Marketing as a potential career and Business Studies is a subject I have been studying for almost three years now, so I did have some previous knowledge on certain topics. However, I wasn’t exactly sure on what working in Marketing on a day–to–day basis would entail, and so this week really helped me see this, especially as someone who wasn’t totally sure of what job I’d like in the future. Being here gave me an insight into what it is like in a real working environment.

As soon as I arrived on my first day, everyone in the office was very kind and welcoming and so I felt very comfortable where I was. Throughout the week I got the opportunity to shadow the Marketing Manager and Marketing Assistant at Swale Heating, which was so helpful to be able to observe what they do and learn from it, especially in certain areas I wasn’t very familiar with. I also got to work on a number of tasks myself which were very interesting and useful, and so I was far more involved in the company than I had expected I would be able to be. These included: learning about how the company manages aspects of their social media, how they design their social media posts, learning about different features of the website, coming up with social media campaign ideas and also completing some online training on topics such as ‘Understanding Marketing’ and ‘Social Media Awareness’.

I would say my favourite parts of my time here at Swale Heating were how involved I got to be in the work and how I got to learn about the social media side of Marketing and the website design in more detail, as they are the aspects I have always found myself to be most interested in. It was also very useful to see how things I have been learning about in school applied to a real–life business, as previously all I have seen is the theory side, but now I have been able to see how these function in an actual company. I can confidently say that this experience has enhanced my interest in Marketing and been very beneficial to me.